But notice, this happened the day after, and where? Sin City. It is shown as God giving us over to our wicked ways as judgment beginning to be manifested against sin in this nation, hence, a city; Sin City
The day we were to be observant of was not September 23rd, but September 30th on our calendar. Genesis says the sun, moon and stars were put there for signs, seasons and time. When the total solar eclipse completely crossed this nation on August 21st it was a last call sign for the USA to repent as a nation or fully seal it's fate as facing judgment from God against our disobedient, sinful lusting ways. Just as the Lord spoke through Jonah to Nineveh, saying 40 days to repent or face judgment, so the Lord did with us. Except this time there was very, very few Jonah's crying this out, but instead most all looked at the sun with ooo's and ahhh's and then continued on blindly down the current road of willful rebellion against His Holiness. Is it any coincidence that 40 days after the eclipse just happens to be Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement? We were given, after the years and years of warnings, one last mercy call to realize what we were doing, as a nation. As a nation we should have repented and turned publicly back to the Bible and acknowledged our wrongs from the President and all our elected officials on down to pastors and public servants and then individuals; but we did not, have not and will not as a nation do this. Thus, we have therefore decided and sealed what course of action we will take.
October 1st, the next day, we have this horrible violent atrocity committed on our soil. Does it all add up to what we're being told as the official story? No, but that shows even more how we have been being led down the wrong road to deception and destruction as a nation from within; the church of Jesus Christ should have had a more active role in guiding this nation on all levels, instead of letting a secular government guide us blindly. So goes the church, so goes the nation. But notice, this happened the day after, and where? Sin City. It is shown as God giving us over to our wicked ways as judgment beginning to be manifested against sin in this nation, hence, a city; Sin City in this case. You will remember from Leviticus 26 about appointing terror over you (vs. 16) and then punishing you 7 times more for you sins if you still don't repent, then 7 times more, then 7 times more. And Jeremiah 15:8 "....and terrors upon the city." And look at it more closely; it was Route 91 Harvest, and I thought of how Psalm 91 is the Lord's people's protection, but in this case it was like we've chosen our own path, (route) and it's away from His Way and will, (91), and harvest, we will now reap what we've sown. And then I saw this last verse last night just before racking out for bed, I read Jeremiah ch. 7 and 8, then saw this, Jer. 8:20 "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."
That sums it all up in nutshell. As a nation we didn't repent during our season of mercy calls, but instead sped headlong down our own course of selfish lust and pride, so the harvest is past and we are now to begin eating what we have sown and harvested. The summer, i.e. good weather, good times, is over and the more harsh seasons are now here, and we didn't choose correctly. This is just the beginning unfortunately. Swiftly and beyond our belief we will see things unfold faster than even we anticipated.
But at least the one good thing here is, there is still Salvation through Jesus Christ for everyone that calls on Him from their heart. As long as they have breath they can call on Him and be saved. During tragedies His body must be ready to lead people to Christ while they are dying if need be, because their soul is the most important thing. We've got to be ready at all times and all places to kneel and lead people to Jesus, no matter what's going on around us.
Oct 5, 2017