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There is More to Come. Do Not Leave Your Station!

This is NOT a time to let up or take a break from the assignment the Lord has given to each of us.

On Tuesday, November 8th, I went to bed around 9:00 pm, before anyone knew who would win the U.S. Presidency. At 2:00 am, my husband awakened me as he came into the room announcing, “Trump won!”

I heard the happiness in his voice, along with much emotion, like he was almost in tears. He turned around and left the room. As the news sank in, I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, and a deep sense of mourning began to come over my spirit. I felt the need to intercede for Trump in prayer, so began praying in the Spirit. At some point, I fell into a deep sleep and had the following dream:

My husband and I were riding in a car through a residential neighborhood. All of a sudden, cars began coming from nowhere, driving crazily all around us. They were even doing “donuts” in people’s yards, while yelling and screaming out the windows. Everyone was breaking out in celebration over the Trump victory.

When our car was forced off the road by the wild drivers, we decided it safer to park our car and walk. As we walked through the neighborhood, there was a point when I realized I was all alone. My husband had joined in on the festivities, but I didn’t feel like celebrating at all. Instead, deep sorrow and a sense of mourning grew stronger within me as I walked.

I saw a house with a front porch. No people were around it, so I went to the porch steps and knelt down to pray. I began crying and interceding for Trump’s protection, as well as praying for the repentance of all the people running around the neighborhood acting crazy, destroying other people’s yards and property.

Suddenly, I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. I looked and saw a woman standing behind me. She began speaking very softly, telling me it was time to stop mourning. She said, “Please stop crying. This is a time to rejoice! Come, join us!” Her words sounded so kind and caring. I felt the need to explain to her why I was in prayer, so I stood to my feet and the two of us began walking down the street.

As we walked, she began talking about how everything had changed, that everything was going to be okay now. She pointed out the smiling faces of the people we were passing and the happy families. As she spoke, I could actually hear families gathered together inside their homes. They were all talking and laughing as they feasted around their dinner tables. (It reminded me of ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’)

It all felt so warm and inviting, and for a moment, I wanted to join them. But in my spirit, I knew something was very wrong, and began to explain this to the woman. I told her Trump was in need of much prayer for his safety, that the country was not okay, and that we needed to continue praying for repentance.

I was in mid-sentence as I turned to look in her eyes. All I saw was a blank, lifeless stare. She acted as if I’d said nothing, and began repeating all she’d previously told me. It was like I was watching a robot and listening to a recording. Upon realizing she wasn’t real, I turned to go back to my place of prayer. End of Dream.


Upon awakening, the first thing I heard very clearly in my spirit was, “There is more to come!”

I spent most of the morning praying over the dream, asking the Lord for interpretation, and if I was to release the dream. As I sat still in His presence, the Lord said, “DO NOT LEAVE YOUR STATIONS!”

I was then shown the following:

The neighborhood represented the United States. Those I saw outside “celebrating” were those who’d formerly been very worried about the state of affairs within the nation. They’d pinned their hopes and dreams of turning the nation around on the election of a man. So when the man won, they breathed a sigh of relief, and the celebrations began. It was obvious they’d had no change of heart, because they thought nothing of destroying others property and endangering the lives of those around them.

I represented the praying Church, and my heart was tuned to the Holy Spirit. I wasn’t receiving the message to celebrate, but to continue in prayer and repentance for the sins of the nation, and for what is yet to come.

The woman represented a deceiving spirit sent to the Church. She’s saying there’s no need to continue in the prayer of intercession, because all is well now. She’s beckoning us to, “Please stop crying. This is a time to rejoice! Come, join us!”

Saints, we must resist this deceiving spirit. The Lord is warning “THERE IS MORE TO COME,” and “DO NOT LEAVE YOUR STATIONS!”

We can’t allow our eyes to focus on what’s swirling around us. This is NOT a time to let up or take a break from the assignment the Lord has given to each of us. We must keep our eyes fixed straight ahead upon Jesus, and our ears in tune, listening to the directions of the Holy Spirit!

Please pray fervently over this word for confirmation.

Scripture References:

I was given the following scriptures:

1 Thessalonians 5:3, “For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them…”

1 Timothy 4:1, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.”

Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap…”

Hebrews 12: 1-3, “…let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” Diana Pulliam

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